Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

We are often encouraged to be "realistic," which means to believe in the material or natural world and to not hold onto ideas or beliefs that do not conform with what has already been observed and proved.  But if we look deeply into the question,…


How Well Do You Methylate?

How Well Do You Methylate?

Methy (CH3) is involved in a variety of biological processes. Methyl based substances include glutathione (an intracellular antioxidant), carnitine (involved in fat metabolism), creatine phosphate (used in ATP for energy production), epinephrine (adrenaline)…


 The Many Healing Abilities of Astringent Herbs

The Many Healing Abilities of Astringent Herbs

Astringents are herbs that tighten and tone soft, swollen, loose or spongy tissues and help to arrest excessive mucus secretion, bleeding or drainage. Astringent herbs can be recognized by their slightly bitter flavor and the tightening, drying sensation…


Energetic Aromatherapy

Energetic Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils for healing, is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reasons. Essential oils have many marvelous healing properties. They can be used as natural disinfectants to prevent the spread of infection and they can…


Rewriting the Lyrics

Rewriting the Lyrics

Music has a powerful effect on our minds, emotions, and even our physical body. Much of the emotional impact of a movie is created by its musical score, the background music that manipulates our emotions as we watch the scenes and listen to the dialog.…


 The Fungus Among Us

The Fungus Among Us

Fungi are literally everywhere. Some are very useful. For example, the fungi known as yeast are used to make bread rise and ferment carbohydrates to make beer and other alcoholic beverages. The antibiotics modern medicine uses also came from fungi. In…


 Accessing Infinite Intelligence Through Applied Faith

Accessing Infinite Intelligence Through Applied Faith

After interviewing more than 500 successful people Napoleon Hill came to believe that we all have access to a source of infinite intelligence that can help us overcome any obstacle or solve any problem. Most of us would call that source, God, but Hill…


Module One: The Spiritual Foundations of Emotional Healing

Module One: The Spiritual Foundations of Emotional Healing

I was spiritually lead into my emotional healing work and in this module, I discuss how this happened and why I feel this work is so important. I explain what I believe is the spiritual nature of our emotional conflicts and how we can explore the inner…
