Harnessing the Healing Power of the Mind

Harnessing the Healing Power of the Mind

What goes on in your mind is a critical, and often overlooked, factor for everyday health. And it’s even more critical to the process of healing, especially in serious illnesses. That’s because your mind has a powerful, and direct, effect on the health…


Storybranding Part 2

Storybranding Part 2

This is part two of our series on StoryBranding. In part one, we laid out the traditional storyline and discussed how the various story parts can be used in marketing. We also went into greater detail about the first three parts of the story, the hero…


Stay Healthy This Cold and Flu Season

Stay Healthy This Cold and Flu Season

Every winter there’s an increase in the number of people who get viral diseases like colds and flu. Is it the cold weather that makes us more susceptible to catching cold? Or, is something else involved?One possible answer is not getting enough vitamins.…


Introduction to Storybranding

Introduction to Storybranding

In this webinar, I’ll introduce a marketing concept we've been studying called story branding. It’s a great way to craft your message and reach the audience you want. Basically, everybody loves a good story and the basic storyline is that a person…


Tummy Troubles

Tummy Troubles

If you’re one of the millions of people who experience acid indigestion or acid reflux and are taking antacids or acid blockers, we have news for you. The problem you’re having isn’t due to an excess production of stomach acid and neutralizing the…


Focusing Your Message

Focusing Your Message

It's difficult to get followers on social media if your message is too vague, too broad, unclear, or generic. It's better to create a more specific focus to attract attention. It's not that you can't branch out from there, but your initial "hook," what…


Healing Lower Respiratory Disease with Natural Remedies

Healing Lower Respiratory Disease with Natural Remedies

Every few seconds our lungs fill with air as we breathe in and out. Most of the time we aren’t even aware of this, but when chronic lung problems make breathing difficult, the simple act of breathing can be a struggle. About 5% of the population has…


Social Media Marketing Overview

Social Media Marketing Overview

In this webinar, we'll cover the basics of using social media to promote your business. We'll discuss four platforms you can use: FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We'll talk about setting up accounts, creating content, and building followings…
