The Healing Power of Forgiveness

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Resentment, bitterness, and hatred are like a cancer in the human soul. They not only deprive a person of peace, they can actually contribute to the development of physical disease. I've found that many conditions can involve holding onto past hurts and…


Consciousness and Chemical Messengers

Consciousness and Chemical Messengers

Modern science has rejected God. Therefore, the body is not seen as a well-designed biological home into which God has placed a soul. Instead, it is a self-organized machine that is the result of purely random processes. Consciousness and emotion arise…


 Digestive System Formulas

Digestive System Formulas

Although we are covering the digestive system as one of the final systems, it is really one of the most important. Good digestion is a foundation to health. We'll discuss the best digestive remedies for various digestive issues, including natural therapies…


Three Levels of Human Relationship

Three Levels of Human Relationship

Relationships are all about exchange. Exchange can be made with money, material possessions, companionship, emotions, time and just about any kind of energy you can imagine. These exchanges can only be done on three levels, however, judgment, justice,…


Hemp Power

Hemp Power

When giving a talk in New Mexico last week I was told that there were people in the company I was lecturing for who threatened to boycott the company if they came out with CBD. Knowing that there are many conservative Christians in this company I can…


 Keeping Women's Health Cycles in Balance

Keeping Women's Health Cycles in Balance

Women experience a unique challenge to their physical and emotional well-being. Each month until menopause they go through a cyclic process of hormonal changes. If these hormones get too far out of balance they can create physical discomforts such as…


Social Issues and Gender Roles

Social Issues and Gender Roles

These days, the idea of traditional gender roles is loudly criticized and mocked. Yet, roles are essential in playing any game, including the marriage game. We addressed this in the previous webinar on The Enchantment of Opposites. In this webinar, we'll…


 Immune System Formulas

Immune System Formulas

The immune system is an interesting system to look at for several reasons. First, because it doesn't really have any organs or specific body locations. It's a general function of the entire system. Second, most people think of immune products like they…
