Structural System Formulas

Structural System Formulas

In this Sunshine Product Training, we're going to cover the most basic of all systems, the structural system. It's a great system to help you better understand the six tissue states and herbal energetics. We'll talk about cooling, warming, moistening,…


Genes: Biological Software

In this Healthy Perspective webinar, I'll be discussing how genes work and the nature of epigenetics, which control gene expression. We'll discuss the "computer code" nature of genetics and how it shows the Intelligent Design of life, plus the implications…


Healthy Relationships: The Four Learning Types

Healthy Relationships: The Four Learning Types

People are different and none of us literally view the world in the same way. In this episode of Seeking, Light, and Truth we'll continue our exploration of relationships with a discussion of how different people actually perceive the world differently.…


Probiotics: The Bacteria that Keep You Healthy

Probiotics: The Bacteria that Keep You Healthy

In today’s germ-phobic society, people tend to think of bacteria as bad guys, and it’s true that some bacteria are harmful to human health. That’s why antibiotics, antiseptics, and disinfectants are important to help prevent the spread of infectious…


Don't Treat Symptoms, Remove the Cause

This program explains why focusing on treating diseases, and more especially basing those treatments simply on a disease name, doesn't work in restoring health. At best it results in temporary relief. Diseases and their accompanying symptoms are effects…


 Glandular System Formulas

Glandular System Formulas

This Sunshine Product training focuses on the three major glands that regulate metabolism—the thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands. It also provides some suggests for the pineal and pituitary glands. The reproductive system is covered separately. We…


Healthy Relationships: Parenting Know-How and Skills

In this episode of Seeking Light and Truth, I talk about why I think parenting is a delightful job. It's because I gained the knowledge and practiced the skills needed to be an effective parent. I explain what I learned and how I applied it.  Here's…


 Energy Medicine and pH Balancing

Energy Medicine and pH Balancing

It’s a little understood fact that health is primarily dependent on energy—electrical energy. You are an electrical being and your health depends on a steady flow of electrons to operate the various processes of your body. The level of electrical…
